Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Good Samaritans this Holiday Season

Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny, winter day..perfect to see all the good things going on in our community that we sometimes don’t even know are happening.   My friend, Lindsay, with Ryan Homes invited me to the Helping A Hero Groundbreaking for wounded veteran, SGT Drew Mullee, USA (Ret.) and his wife Jennifer, and 1 year old son, Easton.  Drew and his family will have a new home in the Kellswater community in Kannapolis.  The developer donated the land and Ryan Homes will be building the home for Drew and his family, equipped with custom features to make life for Drew a little easier.

Patriot Charities donated over $100,000 towards the Mullees’ new home as well.
When I got back to the office, I walked in and saw all of the wonderful bags of toys for the Salvation Army Angel Tree.  There were several bikes, dolls, clothes and other toys waiting to be picked up and taken to the Christmas Center for parents to pick up later this week.   This year, 12,000 children will be served by the Salvation Army in Charlotte, it has been a great tradition for our family and we look forward to next year!

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