Thursday, April 24, 2014

Celebrate Earth Day in Cornelius

Celebrate Earth Day in Robbins Park, Cornelius, this Saturday, April 26th, at 9:00 am.  Some activities include clearing a walking trail, building a butterfly garden, and a town-wide clean-up.  The butterfly garden will be built near the tennis courts and the town of Cornelius would love volunteers!

Residents are also encouraged to clean-up their roads and neighboring roads from 1:00 – 3:00 pm on Saturday as part of ‘Keep Cornelius Clean.’  Encourage your neighbors to join you – the weekend will be beautiful.  If you are unable to attend any of these celebrations, think of ways you can help reduce, reuse, recycle, and conserve.  Any work towards conservation helps!

A few ways families can celebrate Earth Day at home are:
- growing vegetables/herbs in a garden
- having rain barrels to water your yard or garden
- compost
- recycle
- use natural cleaning products
- maximize trips using your car or consider walking
- using cloth cleaning wipes instead of paper towels
- unplugging appliances when not in use
- turn lights off when not in the room
- support local agriculture by shopping at farmer’s markets, participating in CSAs
- solar power
- carpool
- use re-usable packaging
- plant trees

Earth Day

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